
12 Dynamic Ways to Engage Families in Your Church This Summer
Start a Meetup | June 25, 2024
12 Dynamic Ways to Engage Families in Your Church This Summer

Summer can be a season of spiritual drift for many families. The routines of the school year vanish, replaced by vacations, camps and a seemingly endless array of activities. But what if summer could be a time for your church to thrive, a season where connections deepen and faith flourishes?

Start a Meetup | June 17, 2024

As you go into the summer with new budgets, new families and new plans– we want you to know that your heart posture for your church inspires us.

There’s Power in Partnership
Start a Meetup | June 3, 2024
There’s Power in Partnership

Every church in America has a group of women who are in real, tangible need of others to come alongside them and help them out in an incredibly remarkable and vital stage of their life.

Strong Moms, Strong Families, Strong Church
Start a Meetup | May 7, 2024
Strong Moms, Strong Families, Strong Church

“There is a difference between a women’s ministry and a mom ministry” 
– a mother in our research and community. 

What Would it Look Like for the Church to Take Moms Seriously?
Start a Meetup | April 12, 2024
What Would it Look Like for the Church to Take Moms Seriously?

Throughout history, few experiences have been as universally transformative as motherhood. across cultures, generations and geography, the profound influence of mothers has shaped the course of civilizations. Yet, in the ever-evolving landscape of the modern world, the journey of motherhood has faced urgent challenges. Barna Study, Motherhood Today, captures some of the raw, unfiltered realities of motherhood today, going beyond…

Authentic environment paired with meaningful relationships is essential
Start a Meetup | April 4, 2024
Authentic environment paired with meaningful relationships is essential

While 42% of Christian moms say they are not satisfied with their church, you are beating the statistics. Your church plays a pivotal role in nurturing mothers’ emotional well-being. Moms often find expressing their needs or vulnerabilities is not always a simple task; it takes courage and a supportive community. An authentic environment, paired with meaningful relationships are essential for…

Mental Health and Motherhood
Motherhood Today | March 4, 2024
Mental Health and Motherhood

And ways we can provide support. How do we help a mom face mental health challenges like anxiety and exhaustion?  With Dr. Anita Phillips When the Church speaks to the needs and desires of mothers, it can have a transformative effect on both moms and mission. “I usually find myself worrying about something,” and “I feel tired most of the…

What Moms Want From The Church
Motherhood Today | February 29, 2024
What Moms Want From The Church

Moms are talking, and we are here to support you in the conversation. In collaboration with Barna, both Christian and non-Christian moms have expressed their heartfelt desires for what they hope churches can offer to support them in their journey of motherhood. Among the top priorities are assistance for single moms, nurturing their mental and spiritual well-being, and providing aid…

Why Give?
Evangelism, Giving | November 22, 2023
Why Give?

By Jeannie Blackmer When Kate, an unbeliever and single mother of one young son, was invited to a MomCo meeting, her first thought was, Me? In a room full of Christian moms? That’s the last place I want to be. A judge fest, no thanks. Yet, the invitation tugged on her heart. She was curious and lonely. She ended up…

Grow Your Church With The MomCo
Evangelism | November 22, 2023
Grow Your Church With The MomCo

An Innovative Approach to Church Growth and Evangelism As the Christian community continues to evolve, pastors and church leaders face new challenges to reach and engage with a new audience. For pastors and church leaders, the inability to reach young families is a significant pain point. With many parents raising their children in a non-religious household, the church has struggled…

Impact Moms,

Grow Your Church

Twice a month, the Grow the Church Newsletter delivers resources and insights to help you support moms and reach the unchurched in your community.

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